Welcome to Spicer located on beautiful Green Lake!   

ADDRESS CHANGE: When sending payments to the City of Spicer, please send to 217 Hillcrest Ave in Spicer as the city no longer has a post office box.

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Click on the form you would like to fill out, It will open in a new window, fill in the information, Sign and submit, for security it will ask you to verify your email.

Building Permit

Business Demo Policy

Citizen Complaint Form

Demolition Permit                                                                                                                                 Deck Permit Information

Dethlefs Community Center Rental                                          Dethlefs Community Center Rental Checklist 

Direct Payment (Water Utilities Auto Pay)

Employment Application

EDA Board Member Application

Fence Permit                                                                                                                                              Fence Permit Sight Plan

Golf Cart/ATV Permit Application                                                                        Garage Permit Information
Impervious Surface Calculation Worksheet

Liquor License - Temporary Application                                                        Liability Insurance Information Outdoor Public Address Application

Parks Rental Form

Request to be on Council Agenda

Right of Way Permit Application

Shoreland Alteration Permit                                                                                             Shoreland Alteration Site Plan

Sign Permit

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